Instructional Design

eLearning Storyboarding: 3 Things to Consider

We all know the general arc of a storyline from English 101: It starts with rising action, peaks at the climax and then the action falls to meet the resolution. In eLearning, storyboarding might share some of the same components of a great plot arc, but it’s really about laying out exactly what you want to say and how you say it. By taking your audience into consideration, you can lay out a succession of components that (hopefully) culminate in the resolution of your course.

1. Who is your audience?

Your audience should be first and foremost in your mind as you lay out exactly how your eLearning course should look. Knowing how to engage your learner means being sensitive to learning levels, preferences and motivation. Consider the material from a learner’s perspective: How will they view the material and are they familiar with the delivery platform? Choose components and a delivery method that meet your audience’s needs and preferences.

2. How does the eLearning material flow?

Instructional designers know that too much media can muddle message; but too much text and your learners could end up totally bored. As you plan your custom e-Learning storyboard, alternate chunks of text with multimedia and engagement to keep your learners glued. While it’s OK to include plenty of information, making the board too info-heavy could be detrimental. Fill in the gaps with graphics, videos and even voice clips.

3. What’s the most appropriate format?

As you look over your eLearning storyboard, you should be able to decide on a delivery method that works best. If the material is experience-based, for instance, tacking a game or quiz at the end could help you resolve your course. If the curriculum is text-heavy, perhaps a cue-card approach might help learners retain info. By matching the delivery method with the components, your storyboard eventually becomes the success story.