Instructional Design

Only Way is Up: 3 Ways Designers (and SMEs) are Elevating eLearning

It could be said that eLearning is a lot like pizza: When it’s good, it’s great. And, when compared to other training methods, when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good. Still, relying on the same modules again and again isn’t going to do much to inspire your learners, which is why it’s important to constantly take note of trends and innovation. By adding elements that elevate your eLearning and content, you turn a “good” module into something truly amazing.

Improving Mobile Functionality to Reach Learners

Chances are that your learners always have their mobile phones in their pockets, making them the ideal tool for constant and consistent learning. Consider this: Before entering a safety zone, a sign is posted with a QR code created using the free QR Code Generator, providing quick safety tip reminders. Your learner uses his smartphone to scan the code and gets quick safety tip reminders before entering the zone, helping to trigger his memory and follow procedure. By adding more mobile functionality to your module, you have a way to reach learners even when they’re far from the classroom.

Getting Rid of Linear Navigation

Forcing all of your learners through the same experience doesn’t make sense: Slower users could get lost in the shuffle and advanced learners get bored and lose interest. Your best bet for better eLearning? Unlock all of your content and stop forcing linear navigation. Encourage users to learn at their own pace, explore and go back to chapters if necessary for a personalized, elevated experience.

Reducing the Content

This might sound counterintuitive: Reduce the content to improve eLearning? But what may seem like a step backward can actually elevate eLearning to something memorable and clear. Let’s face it: SME’s are packed with knowledge, but not all of that needs to be stuffed into the content. Instead, picking out three to five “need to know” pieces of information for each page or chapter makes the information more impactful and easier to understand, especially without “nice to know” information clouding the meaning.