Corporate Training solution

Leadership development training to inspire and drive results

We believe in developing leadership skills! Your team might have born leaders or members for whom a leadership role is the next step. Either way, we can help you teach essential skills to them with our leadership development training solutions.

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Beat competition with leadership development training

The path to becoming a leader is exciting and challenging, so we want to make sure that you have everything you need to develop rock-solid and inspiring leaders at your organization. Great leaders are fundamental pieces in the long-term success of any organization. That’s why corporate leadership development programs are a profitable investment.

Our training solutions for corporate leadership development will build the foundation for a sustainable and competitive organization by producing motivated leaders.

Leaders developed to hit your targets

Our leadership development services are completely customized for each of our customers, because your business—and leaders—are unlike any others.

In any organization, leaders must learn similar skills to succeed. But the uniqueness of your organization makes your leaders and the road to success equally unique. Customization is our strategy to support your leaders in their mission—to inspire their staff and meet your business goals.

There’s one more thing that we bring to the table with our corporate leadership development solutions: diversity. Diverse leaders contribute to organizational success, so we put a strong focus on diversity and inclusion when designing leadership development training.

Our approach to leadership training

  • Our learning strategy for leadership development heavily ties in with your organization’s culture and goals. This means that we carefully seek to understand your organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals. Then, we customize your corporate leadership development solution to that context.

    Another aspect that we study thoroughly is the impact that you look for in leadership development training—the specific ways in which you want to improve your leaders’ performance at work. There’s one more aspect that we focus on when creating leadership development training solutions. That’s the business lifecycle at which your organization is. Different stages in an organizational lifecycle require different leadership skills.

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Mobile Learning

Give your learners the opportunity to experience customized training content anytime, anywhere.

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Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Gone are the days of overcrowded conference rooms, boring trainings, and bad coffee.

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Diversity & Inclusion Training

Successful companies do not just tolerate differences between people, they value them.

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  • Leadership is a social process and heavily relies on influencing people. Leadership development is about instilling a set of behaviors and mindsets in your leaders. The ability to influence and motivate others is the finish line for leadership development. So, the behaviors that contribute to transforming your leaders into organizational influencers are what you’re looking for.

    Although some of your managers are more apt to become leaders—because of their personalities—leadership is a teachable set of skills. At a high level, a leader is someone who:

    • Defines the direction of a team, department, or company towards a large mission or specific goal
    • Influences the ones involved in those groups to follow that direction
    • Supports the whole process of going in the desired direction

    Managers also implement strategies, solve problems, and facilitate people, processes, and tools at an operational level. With our custom leadership development solutions, we train your leaders to develop these skills:

    • Inspire team members to embody the mission, vision, values, and goals of your organization
    • Empower them to make decisions with that framework in mind
    • Coach instead of dictate actions and behavior change 
    • Motivate them to become responsible and accountable participants rather than spectators
    • Generate buy-in from their teams
    • Communicate flawlessly and positively with teams
    • Instill cooperation among team members and between teams
    • Manage change with a reassuring yet firm attitude

Case studies

Check out how we’ve taken inspired ideas and transformed them into workable realities for our clients.

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OMG Diversity & Inclusion Training

OMG rolled out a major Diversity & Inclusion initiative and needed learning that could drive behavioral change within the organization. The learning had to be fun to ensure employees would participate and engage with the material.

Read the story

From the Learning Lab